Yajat Malhotra

Yajat Malhotra

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Hey, I am a software engineer based out of Bangalore, India. Welcome to my tech haven where I delve into the fascinating world of software dev, AI/ML, and gen AI. Let's embark on this exciting journey together! Start exploring my website to discover more about me and my work. Dive into my experience, explore my projects, watch my sessions, read my blogs, or just dive right in.


Although my main interests are deep learning and NLP, I possess knowledge across various major tech stacks. Here are the technologies I am proficient in:

  • Python

  • PyTorch

  • TensorFlow

  • Java

  • SpringBoot

  • React

  • Next.js

  • JavaScript

  • TypeScript

  • HTML

  • CSS

  • Android

  • Kotlin

  • C++

  • C


Deep Learning Specialization - deeplearning.ai

Azure Fundamentals - Microsoft

Introduction to AI - University of Helsinki

Microsoft AI Classroom Series - Microsoft


Technical Lead of Google Developers Students Clubs VIT

Notebooks Expert on Kaggle

Runner Up at Code for Good'23 hosted by JP Morgan Chase & Co.

Won Bug Bounty in Apptitude (2021).

Best Freshers Award at DevSoc (2021).

Overall 2nd Winner at DevSpace (2021).

Winner at HackOff 3.0 in AI/Data Science (2020).

2nd Winner at VIT Hack in Mobility & Automation track with MOVEL AI as the case partner (2020).

Awarded runner up in the Asian level of International Space Settlement Design Competition (2018).

Won a lot of inter-school Tug of War matches (2018-19).


B-Tech in Computer Science and Engineering

Vellore Institute of Technology

2020 - Present | Vellore, India

12th Standard

Greenwood High International School

Class of 2020 | Bangalore, India

10th Standard

Greenwood High International School

Class of 2018 | Bangalore, India